Patient Counseling

Patient Counseling

Women should be offered a choice of contraceptive methods and be informed of the advantages and disadvantages of each. Healthcare provider should give the woman information about ;

  • Who can use and should not use an IUD.
  • Comparison of IUDs to other methods highlighting advantages.
  • How Copper IUDs work.
  • Safety and effectiveness of the Silverline Cu 200 Ag/ 380 Ag.
  • Insertion and removal process;
  • How to check for the IUD string and what to do if it cannot be felt.
  • Identification and management of minor side effects.
  • Importance of using a condom and/or spermicide in addition to the IUD if at risks of STD’s.
  • Signs of potential complications including pregnancy;
  • Reason for removal.
  • Where to seek help should problems occur.
  • Schedule for routine checkups and reminder card for date of removal.
  • Assure clients they are welcome to return to the health facility if they are concerned about any aspect of IUD use.

Patient Information Booklet

The information booklets below are issued in Public Interest by the makers of Silverline IUD. The booklets outline information and guidelines about the use of Silverline. These can be downloaded & circulated amongst women. You can also contact a representative from Pregna for more print material.

Click to download: Silverline Poster (316 KB PDF)

Click to download: Patient Information Booklet (3284 KB PDF)

Users can also be guided to visit the website for more details

Important Safety Information

Expect changes in bleeding patterns and cramps after IUD placement. These symptoms reduce after several months of usage.

Silverline cannot be used in the following conditions:

Silverline is contraindicated in women with: known or suspected pregnancy, congenital or acquired uterine anomaly, Suspected Endometriosis or infected abortion in the past 3 months; unexplained uterine bleeding; current IUD; acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or history of PID, genital tract infections

PID awareness is essential. IUDs have been associated with an increased risk of PID. PID is often associated with sexually transmitted infections (STIs); Silverline does not protect against STIs, including HIV.